duminică, 5 ianuarie 2014

Can You Make Money Writing For Examiner.com?

I’I've been getting a lot of questions lately about where freelance writers can work online to actually make money. I’ve been writing for Examiner.com for about a month now and am already very pleased with what I see. Writing for Examiner.com is fairly easy. You select a topic you feel passionate or informed about and that will make it even easier to create a solid body of content. Individual posts do not have to be very long so I can take one 600 word article I would have published somewhere like Suite101 and turn it into two or three posts for Examiner. While they do ask you to publish 3 or 4 posts per week, I am able to write all my posts for the week in a single day, save them as drafts, and then it is easy to go and set them to publish every other day. The hardest part for me has been finding photos to go with my articles! *laughing* What does Examiner.com pay? OK – that sounds good, Angela. But what does Examiner pay? The exact rate varies according to what they bring in from advertising. They pay strictly based on pageviews, however, the exact rate isn’t known upfront. I will say, the amount of pay per page view hugely trumps what I am making at Suite101.com right now and after only 1 1/2 months writing there I have already earned my first payout at the $25 minimum. What Rights Does Examiner.com Keep? None! That’s the other thing that I love about Examiner.com. I can repost my material to my blog if I ever decide to leave, send a feature article to a print magazine, or compile the pieces into an ebook.

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